20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 25)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:
0:00 – Introduction
1. 0:36 [Parable of the Dishonest Manager] What is the meaning of the Parable of the Dishonest Manager in Luke 16: 1-13? I was having a Bible study with a friend over Discord, and we’re wondering about this.
2. 10:01 [Anxiety about the Rapture] Is it bad to hope that Jesus doesn’t come back until after I have died? Not knowing when the rapture will come (pre or post-trib) causes me anxiety.
3. 12:46 [Can Christians claim all biblical promises?] How do we respond to someone who says we can “claim” all the promises in the Bible for ourselves because we are “grafted into Israel” or because God is “no respecter of persons”?
4. 16:35 [Resources to guard against confirmation bias] I am afraid that I am just partaking in confirmation bias for theism, but I find that most atheistic arguments are just strawmen and ad-hominem attacks. Are there any good, thoughtful resources?
5. 23:42 [Premarital abstinence] I’ve been a follower of Christ for about 3 months now and my girlfriend of 2 years who I would say is “lukewarm” is hesitant to abstain. How should I handle this?
6. 26:08 [Golden chain of redemption – Romans 8] Can you give your interpretation of the “golden chain of redemption” in Romans 8: 29-30?
7. 29:53 [How is God glorified when a soul perishes?] Everything works together for God’s glory, but I have a hard time reconciling that with the idea that God creates people that He knows are destined for Hell. Any thoughts?
8. 36:17 [Do different biblical interpretations make Scripture contradictory?] Given the multiple schools of thought on concepts like eschatology and Calvinism, and each school has Scripture to back up their contradicting views, does that make Scripture contradictory?
9. 41:28 [Advice for an atheist teen] Please give advice on what say to my 16 yr. old who has told me he is an atheist. He can barely defend his position. He has basically fallen victim to internet atheism, and he no longer wants to go to church.
10. 43:50 [Have I truly forgiven if I don’t feel it?] How do you know when you truly have forgiven someone in your heart? I can say the words but I’m unsure if my heart has changed.
11. 46:33 [Is Satan omniscient?] The Bible indicates that the mystery of God’s plan for salvation was kept hidden for ages until after the resurrection. Could that mean Satan is omniscient, i.e. when Jesus had to rebuke Peter?
12. 50:30 [Matt. 10 & Mark 13 written similarly] Why does Matthew 10: 16-24 have Olivet Discourse wording (same wording as Mark 13:9-13)? It does not seem to fit here/make sense & this is NOT found in the parallel verses (Luke 9:1-6, Mark 6:7-13).
13. 52:56 [Is meditation style prayer o.k.?] I enjoy mindful meditation for mental health reasons and want to involve God in this, but I’ve heard this type of prayer is wrong. Why couldn’t I memorize a Psalm and repeat it in prayerful thought?
14. 55:21 [Intro to apologetics resources] What are some good sources to look at to start studying apologetics?
15. 57:50 [Can we allow extrabiblical sources to inspire us?] Is it sinful to be inspired by historical people in and outside of the Bible? Should I instead be exclusively inspired by the Holy Spirit who enabled believers or by the Father?
16. 1:00:21 [Caring for a grieving loved one] A loved one of mine (a believer) is going through a season of mental anguish. What are some practical ways that I can help and encourage them?
17. 1:02:37 [Disciples’ memory – Miracles in Mark 6 vs. Mark 8] How is it that when Jesus feeds the 4,000 in Mark 8, the disciples don’t seem to remember Him already doing the same thing in Mark 6 (the 5,000)?
18. 1:04:03 [Jesus’ death, burial, & resurrection] If Jesus was beaten unrecognizably, how can we be sure they checked the right tomb?
19. 1:08:41 [How could Adam & Eve know right from wrong?] If eating from the tree of knowledge is what gave Adam and Eve the knowledge of good vs. evil, how could they have been expected to know that disobeying God was evil before they ate the fruit?
20. 1:10:21 [Can Christians listen to secular music?] I was wondering if you had anything to say about secular music? Is it ok to listen to? What draws the line of something a Christian shouldn’t listen to/ watch?

Helping you learn to think biblically about everything, because the Bible is more brilliant, beautiful and life-changing than most of us have realized.


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